UC Santa Cruz creates and maintains information (both paper and electronic) while managing the activities that are central to University of California’s mission of teaching, research, and public service.
The Campus Records Manager provides guidance, outreach, and training to assist those who manage the lifecycle of university business records.
If you see me on campus, give me a wave!
Diane Lallemand
Records and Information Management is the campus authority responsible for implementation and governance within administrative content management, defensible disposition, and software application design to align with regulatory requirements, university policy, and RIM best practices.
Information lifecycle management encompasses the creation, storage, access, protection, retention, and disposition of campus administrative records and other content subject to regulation, policy, and best practices.
Content Management (CM) is the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. CM tools and strategies allow the management of an organization’s unstructured information wherever that information exists.
Defensible Disposition is the disposition or destruction of records that have no legal hold requirements or business value and includes moving inactive data to a limited access zone and following repeatable and consistent practices. Our office sponsors an annual Disposition Day (Dispo Day) to promote the secure and timely disposition of both paper and electronic institutional information.
The UC Records Retention Schedule is a UC-wide policy and the agreement between the 10 campuses on how long we keep our data. The schedule is created and maintained by the UC Records Management Committee. Any deviations to the schedule must be requested and approved by the Campus Records Manager.
Please get in touch with me to discuss specific issues or get help in identifying and classifying your documents.