Google Drive Project work requiring on-going collaboration may be stored in Google Drive (Personal or Shared). Google space is not for personal data, sensitive data, large data-sets, non-collaborative data, or for data that is inactive but still needed (see Secure File Storage for long-term storage needs.)
Outlook with the Adobe plug-in for bulk email archiving. This method allows the creation of a searchable PDF Portfolio of individual emails with their native attachments to be saved in long-term storage until the retention expires. These applications are supported by the campus and included in the user information fee.
Perceptive Content is a full-featured, fully integrated enterprise document management system for capturing, imaging, routing, managing, sharing, and archiving documents online.The application captures documents through email, scanning, import and e-forms and securely routes them using workflows that map to your business processes. Perceptive Content ensures documents are secure, quickly retrievable, and linked to information in other applications such as Banner and Peoplesoft, with comments and annotations as needed, and in compliance with retention schedules. This application is supported by ITS, but not centrally funded. For more information contact Parker Stokes, SaaS Business Manager for Enterprise Productivity and Collaboration at
Secure File Storage is a service based on Amazon Web Services that is for free for use by Faculty and Staff. The intended use is for storing and sharing data with increased security across a group or department. The service features:
- User access controlled by a department or group lead, or ITS upon request.
- Approved for P3 and P4 data.
- 50GB personal storage capacity for work-related files.
- Larger storage options for sharing across departments.
- Nightly backups make data recovery easier.
- Data protection with Active Directory and Access Control Lists, malicious software detection, host-based firewalls, and frequent patching.
- Remote access using VPN.
Virtru products allow you to control access and encrypt sensitive data when sharing information over UCSC Gmail, Google Drive, or through Secure File Share. You choose the sharing method that is best for you to help keep the university’s most sensitive communications extra secure, and private to help prevent unauthorized access. This application is not centrally funded.